Hell Strike
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Hell Strike – Hellstrike – CD
Members of BLOODSOAKED, ASCENDED DEAD, and RITUAL NECROMANCY join forces to unleash their debur six-song, 24-minute mini-album of primeval death metal chaos. The mini-albums stands firmly on a foundation of early 2000s black/death and early-to-mid '90s death metal, recaling the likes of Sadistic Intent, Grotesque (Sweden), The Chasm, Necrophobic, Mortem (Peru) and ...

Hell Strike – Hellstrike – Vinyl
Featuring members of Ascended Dead, Ritual Necromancy, and Bloodsoaked among others, HELL STRIKE is a new band with an old sound. The idea of HELL STRIKE started like most bands: it was at a metal show where Charlie Koryn, Johnatan Quintana, and José Luis Rodríguez met and talked about jamming some old songs ...
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