Dead Seed Productions
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Showing 1–12 of 13 results

Aborym – Hostile – Vinyl
Italian industrial electronic metallers ABORYM are back with their most challenging studio album to date. “Hostile” is the definitive magnum opus from a band who wrote an unforgettable piece of history in the extreme metal camp. TRACK LISTINGDisruptionProper Use Of MyselfHorizon IgnitedStigmatized (Robotripping)The End Of A WorldWake Up RehabLava Bed ...

Aborym – Hostile CD
Italian industrial electronic metallers ABORYM are back with their most challenging studio album to date. “Hostile” is the definitive magnum opus from a band who wrote an unforgettable piece of history in the extreme metal camp.TRACK LISTING1 Disruption2 Proper use of myself3 Hori on ignitedGENRE: Industrial Metal/Rock/ElectronicsBARCODE: 034966655455 ...

Aborym – Remixes And – CD
To deconstruct Hostile was not an easy task. Aborym looked for artists who would not simply provide remixes, but, rather, reconceived versions that are not only spectacular in their own right, but also go down to the meanders of what made the original Abo record so special. The band looked ...

Aevangelist – Dream An Evil Dream Iii – CD
Originally started on Debemur Morti Productions, Dream an Evil Dream, as a series, is an excursion into the unearthly realm of the subconscious, with each entry trespassing newer planes of this dismal parallel universe. In this third chapter, we are brought to a mystical theater of madness and wonder in equal measure, proving ...

Cobra Cane – Bad Bad Good – Vinyl
“Cobra Cane: sex, drug and angry dogs. No, they can’t tell what it is, they never heard it before. Someone said they saw it running away when the sirens coming, someone said that it comes out from the cracks of the concrete at night and slips into the darkest dungeons ...

Hord – No Eyes For – Vinyl
7″ vinyl edition of hørd’s hypnotic track “No Eyes For”, initially released on the Parallels album.TRACK LISTING1. No Eyes For2. No Eyes For – Epilogue3. No Eyes For – Radical G Remix(Running time 15 mins)GENRE: Electronic/Cold Wave/TechnoBARCODE: 034966655554 ...

Horskh – Wire – CD
HORSKH is a collision between the violence of metal and the catchy power of electro. After sharing the venues with artists such as Ministry, Perturbator, Carpenter brut, Igorrr or Punish yourself, HORSKH destroys everything in its path with strobe lights and sweat in a universe both wild and millimetric. The radical and ...

Horskh – Wire – Vinyl
HORSKH is a collision between the violence of metal and the catchy power of electro. After sharing the venues with artists such as Ministry, Perturbator, Carpenter brut, Igorrr or Punish yourself, HORSKH destroys everything in its path with strobe lights and sweat in a universe both wild and millimetric. The ...

Mortiis – Spirit Of Rebellion – Collector’s Box – CD
The undisputed inventor of dungeon synth, MORTIIS, is set to unleash new music unto the worldin form of a release entitled “Spirit Of Rebellion” – a re-interpreted expansion and continuation ofthe 1994 Era I classic “Ånden som Gjorde Opprør”. “Spirit Of Rebellion” is penned for release viaOmnipresence Production / Dead ...

Mortiis – The Unraveling Mind – CD
Mortiis’ unreleased “lost” album from 2006. In 2006 Mortiis recorded a whole album´s worth of material for an underground horror movie. The majority of the music was never used, and none of it had ever been released in album format, until 2017. A total of 250 LPs, in 5 different vinyl colors ...

Usurpator – Spear Of Psychosis – Vinyl
Usurpator is a one-man extreme metal entity by the Austrian multi-instrumentalist N.V., that saw the light of day in autumn 2018 with the release of the 3-track demo EP Beheading Pathos. The demo already showed that Usurpator is not just a band that can be easily categorized, which can be ...

Vanhavd – Vila – CD
Vanhävd is black/doom metal project from Stockholm, Sweden. Among the band members are the creative brains behind synthwave/metal hybrid Irving Force and underground doom techno act Starving Insect, promising an unorthodox approach to metal song writing and production. Expect pitch black sound design, funeral doom anti-grooves, melancholic melodies and blackened midtempo blasting.Lyrical themes ...

Wyrdlander – Wyrdlander – Cassette
WYRDLANDER is the ambient project of David Thiérréé, fully recorded and illustrated by David himself. David is known for his many works and illustrations with elite musicians in extreme metal (Behemoth, Ihsahn, Gorgoroth etc.) ” WYRDLANDER is an attempt to create sound collages and audible landscapes linked to my artworks. I tried to ...